Tag Archives: BallieAndTallie


By | July 18, 2021

It was interesting for my childhood to know that vikings were the dragon slayers. Uhm. That’s when I was a kid. I think. Okay I don’t remember. Now that I have grown up, I can point you about vikings in wikipedia. Enjoy. Hee hee. #comics #comicstrips #cartoon #BallieAndTallie


By | July 7, 2021

One day, Ballie and Tallie are checking out this new planet called Eggtopila. Their main plane was parked near a safe crater where it is not too bright or hot. They had to travel by Eggnogwheels to reach the nearest civilization where they can find aliens. I mean native dwellers. But apparently the native dwellers… Read More »


By | July 4, 2021

On one fine weekend Ballie, Tallie, and Sallie gathered to rehearse their upcoming egg musical performance. They have been diligently practicing their piano and singing for the past (many) months.are you excited to be the audience of their performance? Stay tune for their beautiful voices and piano melody. You will be entertained. #comics #comicstrips #cartoon… Read More »