Category Archives: Books

Book recommendation and reviews

What Food Not to Eat

By | December 29, 2023

If you are concerned about eating unhealthy, which you should be, food I would recommend the following recommendations. From what I have learnt from reading various books, I would like to conclude that the following are foods to avoid at much as possible: What food to we should be eating: What supplements to take: Recommend… Read More »

Grain Brain – A Book

By | September 1, 2022

This is a great and a must read book by David Perlmutter about gluten (e.g. from wheat) and sugar and their role in damaging our (brain) health. Throughout the book, David emphasizes a lot on what our body can be damaged by oxidation caused by metabolism of carbohydrates. The author describes the misconception and misguided… Read More »

The Body – A Book

By | October 9, 2021

I always love non-fiction books. But I especially like science backed books that elaborate a depth and breath of knowledge. The Body, by Bill Bryson, is the perfect book. It is so much “entertaining” diving into this book treading the stream of surprising facts that Bryson is throwing at us. It is like reading a… Read More »

Why We Sleep – A Book

By | July 25, 2021

It’s been my whole life time (exaggerated) since I last understood the importance of sleep. That is. Study, gaming, binge watching tv series, doing personal projects, et cetera during the evening time until way past midnight have been what I believed as the way to efficiently spent time. My daily 5-6 hours of sleep “felt… Read More »