Category Archives: Arts

Anything beautifully digital

(Basic) Mirror Drawing in Adobe Illustrator

By | October 5, 2020

Today I learn. To draw a mirrored object (e.g. symmetrical one) in Adobe Illustrator is simple. The following are some simple few steps. Steps Summary Create a vertical line. Set stroke to none. Effect => Distort and Transform => Transform. Tick Transform Objects, Transform Patterns, Scale Strokes & Effects, Reflect X. Choose Right “align” and… Read More »

(Basic) Text Outline in Adobe Illustrator

By | September 19, 2020

Recently I picked up Adobe Illustrator to create and toy with Ballie and Tallie. Honesly it’s really a great tool. It’s better than what I have expected. This software is actually a vector graphic illustration tool. If you have to deal with high resolution graphics, vector graphic tool is the option for you. In this… Read More »

I Thought Typewriters Were Dead

By | September 13, 2020

I always thought that we can’t really make use of typewriters anymore. They are slow. They are noisy. They are hard to maintain. They are easily replaced by computers nowadays. But when it comes to artwork there is no such thing as obsolete equipment. Check out this bored panda page where this young artist James… Read More »