Author Archives: Poh

About Poh

i love ramen, pizza, coffee, non-fiction books. I tinker some stuffs.

Apple iOS 15 is out

By | September 21, 2021

Just a few day after sudden release of iOS 14.8, Apple today released iOS (and iPadOS) 15. This is the latest major version update for iPhone and iPad. There are a few new features introduced in iOS 15 of course: FaceTime that includes Windows and Android users, New message integration, AI that can tell what’s… Read More »

Good Memory

By | September 17, 2021

Having a good memory is advantageous to learning anything. Our brain unloads memory into long term memory when we sleep so that we can learn and remember new things. Uhmm… now I forget what story I wanted to tell you. Anyway. Tallie is good at remembering lessons from classes and of course movie titles, but… Read More »

iOS and iPadOS 14.8 Released by Apple

By | September 14, 2021

Apple today has released iOS and iPadOS version 14.8. According to some website it has serious security fix for flaw linked to Pegasus spyware. The spyware is known to affect some Android versions as well. Some sites cited that this release should be urgent given that it doesn’t go through beta test. If you have… Read More »


By | September 9, 2021

It is new to me that the name ‘sweet bread’ was used to reference ‘pancreas’, an organ the shape and size of a banana located near our liver. I learned from ‘The Body’, a book written by Bill Bryson. It is interesting that searching internet for this term no longer gives much of mention of… Read More »