Author Archives: Poh

About Poh

i love ramen, pizza, coffee, non-fiction books. I tinker some stuffs.


By | November 27, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. It’s a bit late but the spirit should be still high. Right? This year I am thankful for friends who are still sticking around no matter how low we all get. Hopefully next year will be better. With this year ending, I with everyone the best health and happiness, the best treasures… Read More »

Welcome Back

By | November 7, 2021

Ballie and Tallie actually went for camping. Now, they are back. I bet they are going to tell a lot about their camping stories. But no promise they said. Their friends have been excited, I think. I guess.  #comics #comicstrips #cartoon #BallieAndTallie

The Body – A Book

By | October 9, 2021

I always love non-fiction books. But I especially like science backed books that elaborate a depth and breath of knowledge. The Body, by Bill Bryson, is the perfect book. It is so much “entertaining” diving into this book treading the stream of surprising facts that Bryson is throwing at us. It is like reading a… Read More »

A Short Hiatus

By | October 2, 2021

Hey, if you’ve been following Ballie and Tallie as well as my blog posts, thank you! But unfortunately I need to take a quick hiatus from making the comic strips for a short while since my PC is out of reach for a while. Hopefully we (Ballie, Tallie, and I) are back before you read… Read More »