Author Archives: Poh

About Poh

i love ramen, pizza, coffee, non-fiction books. I tinker some stuffs.

I Enjoyed Ghost of Tsushima

By | September 4, 2020

A few months ago I was playing an action adventure game with shinobi and samurai theme. It was that time that Sucker Punch announced a game called Ghost of Tsushima coming into PlayStation 4. I was excited to see the trailer. The game trailer caught my attention for two things: superb scenery and a Samurai!… Read More »


By | September 4, 2020

I didn’t do well in Chemistry in high school. But it’s been an interesting subject. I remember questioning my teacher too much of question ‘why’ without understanding what he was trying to say. I got a 2 marks reduction and twenty three years later I remember my mistake. Thank you, sir, wherever you are now.… Read More »

My New Beginning

By | September 2, 2020

Hey, ya there. I’m PS. And, I’m playing games. You may have heard me saying that if you are a regular viewer on my Twitch channel pssoft7 – an activity that I’ve been enjoying for the past (at least) one full year. With my game development plan not kicking off well, I’m starting to think… Read More »