Author Archives: Poh

About Poh

i love ramen, pizza, coffee, non-fiction books. I tinker some stuffs.

Hi Snel

By | November 16, 2020

Time passes very quickly when we are immersed in our work or study. Ballie says it right. I love it when that happens, especially when there is not many interruptions or distractions. And that is usually a sweet beautiful productive day. Well, it doesn’t mean I don’t want interruptions. Feel free to ask me (productive)… Read More »

Act Cool

By | November 9, 2020

Fashion is not something I’m good at. You can see how I dress on my Instagram. But if I do act cool from time to time, please pardon me. It’s just something that happens probably spilled out from far distant imagination inadvertently. I remember when I was in college, I had always been single. For… Read More »


By | November 7, 2020

Everyone has a wish or two that they want come true. Deep inside each of us, we all want to have a peaceful place to live in and be happy with our love ones. I wish that all your wishes come true. Have a great day to you all. #comics #comicstrips #cartoon #BallieAndTallie

Fake Smile

By | November 3, 2020

Not every smile is representing happiness. In contrast to that, not everyone who’s sad or depressed can express what they want (and need) to. Let’s wish for everyone to be always happy and healthy. Physically and mentally. Reach out to your friends. Say hi and ask how they are. #comics #comicstrips #cartoon #BallieAndTallie

Happy Halloween

By | November 1, 2020

Happy Halloween. This festival’s origins date back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, 2000 years ago, mostly in Europe area. While trick-or-treat was made a move in America in 1800s “to mold Halloween into a holiday”. “One quarter of all the candy sold annually in the U.S. is purchased for Halloween.” #comics #comicstrips #cartoon… Read More »