Grain Brain – A Book

By | September 1, 2022

This is a great and a must read book by David Perlmutter about gluten (e.g. from wheat) and sugar and their role in damaging our (brain) health. Throughout the book, David emphasizes a lot on what our body can be damaged by oxidation caused by metabolism of carbohydrates.

The author describes the misconception and misguided knowledge about cholesterol. We need cholesterol as an integral part of our systems. Our body produces cholesterol when consumption of it is low. There is no “good” or “bad” cholesterol as both HDL and LDL have their own critical functions in our body.

Carbohydrates lead to inflammation. Having our body (especially brain) use fat as fuel is more healthy. Burning fat does not cause inflammation.

Thus, the author suggests good diet consisting of high fat and (very) low carb and more importantly gluten free. This is the best setup of food composition.

Love this kind of book. See also Cholesterol is not the Culprit.


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