Pyotr: The Life and Music of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky – A Book

By | March 13, 2022

Rating: 4 out of 5.

I rarely read fiction book. But to be fair, this book is not entirely fiction. It is more like an exaggeration of life story of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, a well known classical music composer that we largely know him for his Swan Lake ballet music.

I love the way the book is dramatized and fictionalized in a way. It tells the life story, music journey, and his private affairs. And, at some point they can be controversial.

I get attracted to read book about Tchaikovsky for the same reason above. I love his Swan Lake but at the same time was curious why it is so darn difficult to get a full version of so called Swan Lake Theme music score. Though, after finishing the book I still yet not sure why but in a way I believe it’s due to the music being modified so much and so often throughout the life time of ballet performances since his time. Perhaps the original is no longer in existence? I’m not sure.

The book gives some analysis of what Pyotr has been through and why his musical works at his time was so rejected even by his teachers. His work was a revolution. It was very unorthodox. And, fortunately he did so.

Little did I know that his life was so miserable. And I’m glad to know that there existed good soul that would “enable” other creative people to work out their inner talents. Nadezhda von Meck, a loyal patron that dedicated a lot of her fortune to help liberate Tchaikovsky from his financial boundary and made him a full time composer. A good reflection that I can learn from. I’m glad I picked up this book. And I learned from this that it is okay to “enable” others. Many talented people do not have as good opportunities are us.

Unfortunately, Pyotr died young at age 53. Who knows what he would have created if he had more time. Anyway, we’re fortunate to have preserved some of his works.


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