Monthly Archives: January 2022


By | January 16, 2022

Ballie and Tallie is trying to prove that people don’t like quotes or advice. Maybe they are wrong. People like motivational quotes and invited advice. I think. But, give them a break will ya.  #comics #comicstrips #cartoon #BallieAndTallie


By | January 9, 2022

Ballie and Tallie have been staying home for a long time. For many of us too we have probably been working or studying from home. Refreshing by traveling overseas or interstate is probably minimum till now. Hopefully things are getting better so that we all can have great holidays. #comics #comicstrips #cartoon #BallieAndTallie


By | January 1, 2022

Ballie and Tallie will now open their Christmas presents. Well, they always do that – open their presents in the new year. Having said that, Ballie and Tallie wish you all a Happy New Year 2022! May you all be always happy and healthy. Cheers!  #comics #comicstrips #cartoon #BallieAndTallie