The Body – A Book

By | October 9, 2021

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I always love non-fiction books. But I especially like science backed books that elaborate a depth and breath of knowledge. The Body, by Bill Bryson, is the perfect book. It is so much “entertaining” diving into this book treading the stream of surprising facts that Bryson is throwing at us.

It is like reading a novel with mixed genre. At times humorous, sometimes horror, most of the time it’s a thrill of up and down roller coaster of wonderful information. Comparable to a Jacky Chan kungfu movies with full pack actions.

The book has so much (new) information thrown at me from so many topics. But all about body. Unlike usual scientific based books, The Body is covering so many areas that I think they are too vast to be covered in one book. For a layman like me, it has too many surprising details.

One of the ‘too much’ detail things in the book is the large repository of medical terminologies. A lay person like me can’t possibly remember any of them but luckily we don’t need to. You’ll feel like gliding through the book like a novel.

In the book, Bryson helps explains the disapproval of some health myths such as ‘vitamin C helps cure cold and cancer’. It doesn’t. Same goes for antioxidant about slowing aging is not scientifically proven.

Information like this is so numerous in the book that I think it’s really a big flood of information gushing out from the book. A valuable book to read. Really.


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