
By | August 9, 2021

CAPTCHA (all capitals) stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. Including Ballie and Tallie, the eggs. See wiki for full details.

At this time of writing, Ballie and Tallie do not know that it is necessary for website to block away other automated computer automations (robots). Because with those automated programs accessing website (usually some important parts like login or payment), they may cause websites to slow down unnecessarily. Websites are built mostly for humans (and eggs) to access.

The newer version called ‘reCAPTCHA’ is a actually the ones that shows images like traffic lights and buses for us to select correctly before allowing us to use a website. Tallie is struggling with this. Ballie can’t help.

#comics #comicstrips #cartoon #BallieAndTallie

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