Monthly Archives: April 2021

Labor Day

By | April 30, 2021

My apology that when young I used to think that labor day is celebrated by working harder on the day. How foolish. It is an annual holiday (in most countries) that we celebrate the achievements of workers. (According to wiki.) Internationally, it is celebrated on first of May annually. Take some rest, people. Celebrate your… Read More »


By | April 26, 2021

Some say it’s a proverb. “You’ve got to break a few eggs to make an omelette”. It means that sometimes we have to get our hands dirty to get something done. This probably has a few meaning but let’s take the positive one. Let’s get our work done, study completed, exam passed, and rehearsal through… Read More »


By | April 19, 2021

Narration voice: “Ballie and Tallie are on their adventure seeking the scroll of ancient truth. The have finally found it. I think they are not so happy about it. They then decide to go buy some ice cream using their discount coupons. The end.” #comics #comicstrips #cartoon #BallieAndTallie


By | April 12, 2021

Laughter is the best medicine. I do believe in that. People who (sincerely) laugh means they are enjoying their time, their companies, and what they have at the moment. Take some time today to enjoy some funny stories you may have seen on your social media feed. And don’t forget to laugh. #comics #comicstrips #cartoon… Read More »


By | April 6, 2021

I admire (and envy) those who work hard to get themselves skillful and certified. Learning is life-long they say. And I think there are people “collecting” certificates by learning too much. Love that attitude. Also, isn’t it great to brag your skills like Ballie and Tallie?  #comics #comicstrips #cartoon #BallieAndTallie