Why You Should Play Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

By | October 31, 2020

It’s been almost a year since I started playing Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, the Game of The Year (GOTY) in 2019. After a year, it is finally getting some content update that I definitely wanted to check out. This is one game I will never forget.

For some reason, this game imprints into my liking memory so much that every time I play some games, the first comparison I want to make with is definitely Sekiro.

Version 1.05 is just released with some new content update (and hopefully some anti-glitch – I’m still yet to find it out).

Here are a few main reasons why you should really play this game.

Fascinating Scenery And Setting

Definitely. If you love ancient Japanese-like settings such as Sengoku period, you will probably like Sekiro’s settings. It is based on some (fantasy) era where we can see and feel shinobi and samurai alike. Its buildings and structures are portrayed very closely to the time where we can immerse into that time where it is normal to see people going around carrying their own katana and axes.

Fascinating Scenery in Sekiro

Throughout the gameplay, you will find beautiful and breathtaking scenery which actually made me pause to appreciate. I love Japan and ancient Japan. I love to see all these as if they give some flashback to that era.

Unique Fighting Style

Unlike typical action/adventure and RPG games, the fight style in Sekiro is pretty unique. The game emphasizes on engaging enemies in a very “intimate” encounter. It feels like the game wants you to pay attention to each and every one of the enemy that you face, watch and beware of how they move and fight, and use your own skills to counter and attack.

Sekiro has a Very Unique Fighting Style

Besides using his main weapon, the protagonist Sekiro, can use many other prosthetic tools to fight his enemies. Using the combination of them and the right skills is essential is this game.

Die Twice (or Thrice)

What is also unique in this game is that there is a concept of resurrection. Sekiro himself can revive on the spot in the battle (once or twice depending on the circumstance that I let you find it out yourself), while elite enemies and bosses also have at least another life.

So, when these enemies are killed for the first time, they are actually not really dead (yet). You have to kill them again. And in some bosses they can live another life after that in the same battle.

This game mechanic is pretty unique in my opinion. And, of course you would expect the enemies to change its fighting skills a bit to match your cunning fighting skills. Be surprised!

It Is Hard

This game is hard. Not gonna lie. It is not really for faint heart as well. It took me my first 10 hours of the game to get past the first boss last year. Yes it was ten hours.

As I said this game is unique. Never have I tried to play anything like this before. And jumping straight into this game is probably the best thing I have ever done in gaming life.

If you pick up this game for the first time, I would suggest jump in blind. Don’t look at any guide or references to this game at first. Try to enjoy this as much as possible without any help. It is worth it. Of course if you have spent too much time trying, you can always look up for guides before you quit. (Nah, you’re not a quitter.)

Very Engaging and Satisfying

I can’t emphasize enough that this is one of the best games I have ever played. The total combined hours I spent on this is over 100. And I am still going to try it after the new patch.

The best part of this game, if I have not mentioned yet, is definitely the fight. Boss fights especially are very very much engaging. Before you know, you’d be deep immersed into trying your very best to cut down the enemies.

Sekiro Fights are Very Engaging AND Satisfying

Every boss is unique. Even every single boss has different skill moves. And, remember they don’t just die once? After kill their first life, they change tactics. Yes, you have to learn and understand each and every single one of the bosses.

I remember my first wall boss (boss that took me ages to kill) was Genichiro. He took me over 9 hours on different days to defeat. He is the longest to take down for me. In those 9 hours, he killed my Sekiro 126 times. No joke. And, yes I only managed to defeat him once. Let’s see in the new content if I were to challenge him again.

The second hardest for me was Guardian Ape. But what I want to say is once you get to defeat one boss you won’t stop there. The katana is calling for you, shinobi. You will want to continue.

Fantasy Story

There is probably some relevance of Sekiro story to the warring time in ancient Japan. But of course the elements in Sekiro (characters, ninja skills, etc.) are based on fantasy.

Sekiro is a Beautiful Fantasy Story About A Shinobi

Also, who doesn’t like a dragon that can wield a sword?

The story of Sekiro may also tell us some code and ethic about relationship between shinobi and his teacher, an assassin and his master, as well as a “son” and his father.

Some Guides And External Link

Checkout Sekiro Bosses List on fextralife. This is an extensive list of Bosses and Mini-Bosses. Also, when their game progress route is pretty neat if you would want to run Sekiro guided.

Checkout Sekiro’s Plot on wikipedia and of course the lore (again on fextralife). A pretty good story breakdown (in relevance to history) on YouTube.

And hey, my old video about some farming. Note that this is not the best farming guide – actually not even close. But I hope you enjoy the trick.

Related Recommendation

Also checkout Ghost of Tsushima if you like ancient Japanese style game.

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