(Basic) Mirror Drawing in Adobe Illustrator

By | October 5, 2020

Today I learn. To draw a mirrored object (e.g. symmetrical one) in Adobe Illustrator is simple. The following are some simple few steps.

Steps Summary

  1. Create a vertical line. Set stroke to none.
  2. Effect => Distort and Transform => Transform. Tick Transform Objects, Transform Patterns, Scale Strokes & Effects, Reflect X. Choose Right “align” and 1 Copies.
  3. Use Pen tool to draft on the left of the line.
  4. Use Direct Selection Tool to adjust the drawing.
  5. Choose a color for the Fill for the drawing.
  6. Complete the drawing with Object => Expand Appearance
  7. Combine the pieces with Pathfinder => Unite
  8. (Optionally) add some decorations

Watch The Video on YouTube

Video on the Steps

Detailed Steps

1. Create Center Vertical Line

Create a vertical line. This helps to visualize the mid-point for mirroring the object we wants to create. Using the Line tool draw a line toward bottom of screen and hold shift to place the end of line. Holding shift helps make the like completely straight.

Set the Stroke to none. This is important because a stroke has a width that will make the mirrored and drawn objects to have a gap.

Draw a Straight Line

2. Add Transform (The “Mirror”)

Keep the line still selected. Go to Effect menu, choose Distort & Transform and choose Transform.

Select Effect => Distort & Transform => Transform…

Tick all the following:

  • Transform Objects
  • Transform Patterns
  • Scale Strokes & Effects
  • Reflect X

Choose Right “align” and set Copies to 1. Choosing right alignment means we’re going to draw on the left hand side and the mirrored object on the right. A Copies of 1 means it will reflect another one.

Tick the Relevant Options and ‘Right align’ and Copies to 1

3. Draw With Pen Tool

Use Pen tool to draft on the left of the line. You can draw anything you want. In this example I was trying to draw a heart. Click on the Pen tool, click on the first anchor on the vertical like, then to draw a curve hold down and drag the pen tool. Continue and close the curve by clicking on the anchor at the bottom of the vertical line.

Draw with Pen Tool on the Left of Vertical Line

4. Adjust With Direct Selection Tool

To adjust the curvature of the anchor points use Direct Selection Tool to move the anchor point and its handles. Adjust it until you’re satisfied with the result.

5. Fill Color

At this point you can choose a color for the Fill for the drawing. Make sure the object is still selected so that you don’t accidentally fill other object (i.e. if you’re working with multiple objects in the drawing).

Fill the Color

You will start to see your object in it’s mirrored state. Keep adjusting until you’re satisfied.

6. Complete the Drawing

To complete the drawing, let’s say you no longer need the mirror “mode” drawing, choose Object => Expand Appearance. This will “apply” the mirroring effect to the object you’re drawing. Further drawing will no longer be mirrored after this. Be sure that you’re done and satisfied with your work before performing this operation.

When Done Choose Object => Expand Appearance

Actually it may be good idea to keep the work in mirrored “mode” for your illustration. This may be helpful if you want to continue updating your model in the future. It depends on your usage.

7. Combine the Pieces

After the previous step, you will notice that you actually have two separate pieces of the drawing instead of one. This is normal behaviour. Select the two separate pieces with Selection Tool. Then, choose Pathfinder => Unite.

Unite the Separate Objects

If you can’t find the Pathfinder, you can enable it from Window => Pathfinder.

You Can Enable the Pathfinder from ‘Window’ Menu

8. (Optionally) Add Some Decorations

Of course, you can always add more decorations to your work.

Add Some Decorations to It

Of course this is very basic decoration. You can always be creative and make it more presentable.

Hope you like this tutorial. See you in the next one. Thank you for reading.

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