If you’ve been following my comic strips, you may have seen Ballie and Tallie. They are modeled as eggs and of course they speak.
The Revelation (of The Idea)
These comic idea somehow appeared in my mind before I went to sleep one day around early July 2020. Nothing special on that day when I was preparing to sleep. But there came a mind picture of two egg brothers teasing each other with positivity. That night I felt like I wanted two simplistic yet cute toons to talk to each other. Just like how my two kids exchange words on a topic of interest. Carefree.
The next day I started drawing them in Adobe Illustrator, one of my favorite new tools that I played with.

The Characters
I portray Ballie as round and short (almost ball-like) slightly older egg. While Tallie as a taller and younger brother egg. They two, if not always, will almost be together all the time. They love each other and work together to do things they need and want to do.
They are supposed to be cute and cuddly. They represents a calm and settled positive mind which I want myself as a person to achieve. In a way they are my motivation to draw them and I need to draw them to get my motivation. Kind of a cyclic motivation feedback loop. 😁
Beside Ballie and Tallie, there are new characters. One of them is Sallie. I am trying to portray her as a beautiful female egg. She is supposed to be the smartest of the three of them but she is not Ballie and Tallie’s sibling.
Egg characters in this comic strip do not have limbs. Yet they are supposed to be able to emulate the use of limbs to operate common items. Dialogs are the essence of their comical lives.

The Dialogs
As I said, Ballie and Tallie are representing positivity and hospitality. I want them to remain that way. Of course, once in a while I would want them to be sarcastic or tell dark humor but I am hoping to do that very sparingly.
Also, I really want Ballie and Tallie to be accepted by younger audience. This means that I have to watch their (Ballie and Tallie’s) mouths! And yeah that is not easy to do if I’m used to more mature audience. People like dad jokes, don’t they?
The problem with wide range of audience is that the dialog (and jokes within) may not be able to capture all the audience. What Ballie and Tallie are going to tell may miss most of the demography. But I do hope they can stand as my ambassador of positivity. Frankly, I can learn from their dialogs in my head. For real.
Motivation for the Kids
My eldest son loves it when he sees Ballie and Tallie in comic strips. He would immediately demand to read one if he notices one on my screen. I’m glad he likes them. I hope this can also bring the same enthusiasm to you. And I really hope that everyone can enjoy the comic strips.
Certain aspects (if not many) in this comics may have similarities with other’s such as names, imaginative logos, character shapes, etcetera. They are completely coincidental and very common.
What’s Next From Here
I have not yet presented Ballie and Tallie in color version. For one I have not figured out the right shading for them. I’d prefer them to be always simple in shape, color, texture, and shading. Having a color version of them seems a bit overwhelming to create for now. Of course, I have to upgrade my drawing skill further first.
I hope you enjoy Ballie And Tallie. If you do, please support me by liking them on social media. Thanks!